August 7, 2008

A few favorite RKC moments, in pretty close to chron order. (And I even found photos for some of them.)

My teammate, Peter, passing his snatch test for the first time ever - the time it counted. Ooo-Rah, Peter.

Intros: "KBLA!"

Mike's Beast Taming: Jaw-dropping, simply awesome. (No I did not attempt this time, have more work to do on the pull-up.)

Pavel's Troubleshooting demos. Yes, I took thorough notes.

Rif calling me up to demo.

Chillin' with Tracy Rif.

Brett Jones' lectures and demos. I am so glad he was at my cert.

Finding a cold, thawed Gatorade in my bag.

Dan John. (see the close attention I'm paying)

Hearing Pavel say "...unless you are a mutant, like Nikki."

Helping my teammate, Ro, find the sweet spot on presses.

Realizing my swings have improved a great deal, thanks to three newly-acquired foci: really pull the bell down instead of letting it fall, hinge only when arms reach ribs, compress midsection even more to keep from leaning backward, even if only slightly. (Thanks, W2)

Teaching my victims.

Being surprised by the sight of Jayson, standing there taking photos. That was a great surprise. :)

Yes, even the grad workout was a favorite moment. It was hard. It was hot. Jays was there with a cold water. I saw a halo around his head at least twice. We finished as a team.

Rif & KJ's promotion to Master RKC.

The clean-up, as an RKC.

The ride home, as an RKC.

Waking up the next morning, as an RKC.


Jayson Truttmann said...

In my RKC book, you are the hardest hardstyle trainer in the world of kettlebells, los angeles, santa monica or otherwise. I am so proud of you! And I was thrilled to be a part of the memory.

Tracy Reifkind said...


What an honor to have my picture on your blog!

I've got some photos of you and Rif when he used you in the demo for his lecture on tension. We still need to get them up on facebook though!

Nikki Shlosser said...

Thanks, Jays =D

Nikki Shlosser said...

Tracy, are you kidding? Do you even know who you are?? ;) Thanks so much for checking out the blog, and for linking as well. Oh I'd love to see those photos. Let me know when they're up, ok?