Considered from a goal-oriented perspective, it's just about perfect, isn't it?
No matter where you are currently in your MVO2 training, your goal is set for you. 80 sets of __ reps with the __kg.
Of course, in the meantime, the weekly or monthly goal may be 40 sets, 60 sets, etc. But ultimately, we're pushing toward 80.
And then, one glorious day, you hit your goal. You get your 80 sets.
BUT! Automatically, the next goal is already set up for you! You don't have to wonder, great, where do I go from here? If you were at 8 (I suppose 9 in some cases) or less reps, you up the rep by 1, until you have 9 reps for 80 sets with your __kg.
Or, (if you've already hit 9 for 80 sets,) you're moving up to the next size KB and shooting for that 80 sets again.
Performance-related goals work. Even if you have body comp. goals, weight loss goals, etc.... performance goals (with a good diet, of course) will get you there, with your focus in a more productive, less-volatile place. And instead of celebrating the buttoning of your size 4 jeans with a pint of frozen delight, because the "goal has been reached," the thought of embarking on that journey to 80 sets with the heavier KB keeps you focused, motivated, and happy to be working toward something!
And the tight bod is just a really nice side-effect. ;)
175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test
100 reps
This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with
95!) but I think it went well over
I just have to 'THINK RIGHT' when I press or ...
2 days ago
The right tool for the right job....Max Vo2 is great, but it's not the "be all, end all". Those fast santches gave me a linebackers back, from pulling that bell down fast! I've abandoned max for the time being, but will add it back in once a week.
After you get your 80 sets (which I did at the LA cert) try the 36/36 protocol (17-19!), and then "the boost"! Now that some seriuos shit!
You're right... I completely forgot about the :36/:36! (Not to mention the Boost! Hope to learn this one at RKCII...)
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