24kg snatch: 5L/5R for 10 sets
Felt great. Had more forward lean at punch tonight. It wasn't timed... I walked in on Jayson's training and alternated sets with him.
(He did 23 or more sets of 15 swings - 3rd ballistic KB workout ever, BTW)
16kg press: 5L/5R for 4 sets
16kg TGU: 1L/1R
16kg arm bar: nice long pulses on Left and Right. Left hip touches easily, right hip about 1mm away! Will work on this, I love this drill.
16kg pistol: 1L/1R
BW pullup: 3, 3, 3, 4
Foam roller
145-205-185 side and rear delts,band pushdowns, reverse band curls
This went ok but actually thought it would go better. I thought I should
be able to 1) stick at least one 205 and get two. I missed a bunch but
still wa...
1 day ago
Would you mind describing the arm bar drill?
Go Jayson!
You've got to drag him out Sunday mornings at the Park!
Jen - the arm bar starts like the TGU, but instead of putting the free arm at 45, it goes overhead next to your ear. You push over to that side, place your KB-side leg and foot over, and roll, trying to touch the front of your opposite hip to the ground.
Thanks Rich, I'm so proud of him!!! He's kicking A$$!
Now it seems like you're gradually training for level 2.
Pavel might hang certain amount of weight for RKC II pull up test requirement. Ours was body weight.
Thanks, Nikki! Makes sense now.
You bet, I can't wait for Level II!
Jen, anytime!
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