24kg swings
24kg snatches (90 total)
16kg sots press 5L/5R for a couple sets
18lb pullups
20kg presses
24kg presses on right
16kg halo
During last night's training, an elderly couple walked up, interested in the bells. The gentleman gestured to ask, "may I?", walked over to the 16kg, and busted out a pressed-snatch and four MPs. I smiled and said, "you've done this before?" In a strong accent, he responded with "I am Russian."
175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test
100 reps
This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with
95!) but I think it went well over
I just have to 'THINK RIGHT' when I press or ...
2 days ago
you must have been sand baggin at the cert. those are some impressive numbers.
Haha, thank you, Sir. You know, there is really only one appropriate time to 'show off' your strength at the cert., and that is the Beast Challenge. :)
RKC II in June, I'll be ready. ;)
awesome work...
that will be huge if you become a 'beast tamer' @ RKC II in June
good work...
that will be huge if you Tame the Beast @ RKC II in June
As impressed as I am w. the elderly man, I'm even more impressed w. your training - 90 snatches w. the 1.5 pood is some strong work!
Even to me, doing 5 reps of 16kg sots press is quite a challenge.
This I'm impressed more than anything else.
Boris, Taikei, thanks for the kind words!
The sots presses were hard.... heels wanted to come up on the 5th rep, both sides. Gotta keep working on it!
But the encounter with the old Russian man was really, very cool. :) If I had it on video, that little clip would be my video of the month. ;D
Hey what happened to the Left side Presses?!?!?
Thanks for stopping by and for the inspiration!
Haha, Howie! Thanks for keepin on me. ;)
They're there... with the 20kg. (Actually have already done a couple sets here at work this morning, too.) :)
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