Last night was KBLA's FMS screening. I'm not sure which, if any, corrective exercises I'll need to do, so until then, it's business as usual. :)
20kg press: 3L/4R for 3 sets
18lb pullup: couple singles, full-body tension
Tai Chi with Ellen from our group class for about 45 minutes - we went through the whole form, worked on the sticky parts, and went back through Section 3 a second time.
24kg snatch: 5L/5R for 15 sets
These weren't timed tonight, I took it nice and easy, held several of them, and did a press on the right in between a few of the sets.
24kg press on right: 1, for 7 sets
The 7th almost didn't make it up, so I stopped with that one.
175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test
100 reps
This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with
95!) but I think it went well over
I just have to 'THINK RIGHT' when I press or ...
2 days ago
Hi Nikki,
I blogged about the FMS also.
You got the top score! I got 2 less than you -- but watch out I got that goofy unilateral arm-leg thing down now! ;)
I think I've really taken to the seated press. It's supposed to be harder (you can't cheat). But to me it's like the lazy man's press -- in my office at work, I don't even have to get out of my chair!
Definitely right side dominant, aren't you?
What taiji form are you practicing?
Woo-hoo, baby! :P
Rich, I actually had no idea what the scores were. Ooh, sounds like it's time to get practicing on that damn same-side raise thing. Good for you for getting it, that is awesome!
Damn funny to think we're both sitting in our offices in Century City with our KBs right here. (The 20's just a BIT heavy for me to do seated press, yet). ;)
Keep it up.
Howie, you know I expected that the FMS would show some asymmetries, but apparently it did not?? *shrug* I haven't actually gotten the official "report" yet...
I'm part of Sifu Cheng's Yang-style Tai Chi class. I've been going for a year and a half now, I think? And if you didn't know, he teaches us the combat applications of each move, which is really amazing. Showing up to that class was one of the best things I've ever done. :)
Very nice. So you're not being taught the watered down version of taiji. Most people aren't aware how brutal taiji really is. Shhhh, it's a big secret!! Keep up the good work!
Cool. Did you guys do that as a group?
Franz, the FMS we did as a group, Sifu and Kirsten screened us one at a time... the kettlebell work I did on my own, and the Tai Chi was just Ellen and myself. :)
Pressing the 24 for singles, great work Nikki! You know the jump from 24 to 28 is very easy.
Press the 32kg and i will send you a hearted drafthorse shoe for display in your gym, with the message that Nikki is pound for pound stronger than I.
24kg snatches 5/5 x 15? funkin' hell! (I can say's your blog, LOL!)
Oh Nikki! Press the 32! Press the 32!
Damn. :) Haha, I love it. The 32kg is now officially my beast. Give me a couple years. ;)
KF, you are so cute, hahaha!! :D I will give it my best try. *grin*
You made me laugh out loud with that. :P
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