October 29, 2008

10/29 Training

Joint Mobility
12kg kossacks
28kg TGU: 1L/1R for 3 sets
16kg swings: 100
24kg press: 1L/1R for 4 sets
16kg pistol: 4, alternating
16kg BU press: 1L/1R for 2 sets
12kg BU get-up: 1L/1R for 2 sets (cool - first time trying a BU get-up)
28kg swings 10
16kg BU get-up: 1R (to firing-range at end, didn't get it pulled down under control.) (YEAH!!! Will get this the WHOLE way next time.)
12kg arm bar: 1L/1R
16kg uppercuts to waiter's press for a few reps

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