October 26, 2008

Trying Out the 28kg

First was the KBLA Sunday morning class, which rocked as always. Then later in the evening I did some work with a 28kg. (I'm borrowing Anton's 28kg for a week, to work on TGUs, primarily.)

Started with some deadlifts, 24kg+28kg 5 sets of 2 reps.

28kg Snatch PR: 3L/5R, 3L/5R, 2L/5R (23 total)
So that's cool, I think I had only gotten one lousy 28kg snatch before tonight. But I was really regretting the nacho lunch/dinner at the end of each set. (Yeah, nachos... ugh.)

28kg TGU: 5L/5R (with some rest.) PR - first time for TGU with this weight.
Not quite as easy as I was hoping for, but good nonetheless!

Attempted a 28kg pistol twice just for S&G... descents were good, but virtually zero ascent. :)
I've barely been doing any weighted pistols - probably a good idea to work in some 20kg practice.

28kg press: also still nowhere near, but wasn't REALLY expecting to be.

So, I might do a couple snatches here & there, but the 28kg really will just be for TGUs.

Meanwhile, I'm keeping an eye on craigslist for any 28kg or 32kg DD KBs that happen to pop up. :)


Taikei Matsushita said...

The more I read your training log, I tend to lose the women's standard KB weight. Was it 20kg?

Much of my male clients still use 16kg as standard choice.

Nikki Shlosser said...

Taikei you do know how to flatter me. ;)

Believe me, the 16kg still gets plenty of use. :)

I actually use all of my KBs: 8kg, 12kg, 16kg, 20kg, 24kg regularly.

It's impossible for this stuff to get boring!

fawn said...

Nice Nikki!
How inspiring!!! I will have to test my strength with kettlebells again after the PL meet.

Keep up the great work. I have a feeling you have only started to explore your talent for strength sports. Again, nice job!

Nikki Shlosser said...

It's so humbling to get comments such as these from you, Fawn!
Thank you. :)

GOOD LUCK at your PL meet!

Franz Snideman said...

WOW! Great job on the snatches with the 28kg.......

Very, VERY STRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Adam said...


Your a beast, stop being suprised at your strength ;)

Great work. I said this before--Be the first female to knock out the bulldog get up! If not soon i have one i am training who will. You came first killer--Crush it!

Your doing awesome

Nikki Shlosser said...

Franz, thank you! It was pretty exciting for me. :)

Nikki Shlosser said...

Adam, you truly rock.
I of course do remember you saying so.... and I will certainly go for it. =D