First was the KBLA Sunday morning class, which rocked as always. Then later in the evening I did some work with a 28kg. (I'm borrowing Anton's 28kg for a week, to work on TGUs, primarily.)
Started with some deadlifts, 24kg+28kg 5 sets of 2 reps.
28kg Snatch PR: 3L/5R, 3L/5R, 2L/5R (23 total)
So that's cool, I think I had only gotten one lousy 28kg snatch before tonight. But I was really regretting the nacho lunch/dinner at the end of each set. (Yeah, nachos... ugh.)
28kg TGU: 5L/5R (with some rest.) PR - first time for TGU with this weight.
Not quite as easy as I was hoping for, but good nonetheless!
Attempted a 28kg pistol twice just for S&G... descents were good, but virtually zero ascent. :)
I've barely been doing any weighted pistols - probably a good idea to work in some 20kg practice.
28kg press: also still nowhere near, but wasn't REALLY expecting to be.
So, I might do a couple snatches here & there, but the 28kg really will just be for TGUs.
Meanwhile, I'm keeping an eye on craigslist for any 28kg or 32kg DD KBs that happen to pop up. :)
175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test
100 reps
This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with
95!) but I think it went well over
I just have to 'THINK RIGHT' when I press or ...
2 days ago
The more I read your training log, I tend to lose the women's standard KB weight. Was it 20kg?
Much of my male clients still use 16kg as standard choice.
Taikei you do know how to flatter me. ;)
Believe me, the 16kg still gets plenty of use. :)
I actually use all of my KBs: 8kg, 12kg, 16kg, 20kg, 24kg regularly.
It's impossible for this stuff to get boring!
Nice Nikki!
How inspiring!!! I will have to test my strength with kettlebells again after the PL meet.
Keep up the great work. I have a feeling you have only started to explore your talent for strength sports. Again, nice job!
It's so humbling to get comments such as these from you, Fawn!
Thank you. :)
GOOD LUCK at your PL meet!
WOW! Great job on the snatches with the 28kg.......
Very, VERY STRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Your a beast, stop being suprised at your strength ;)
Great work. I said this before--Be the first female to knock out the bulldog get up! If not soon i have one i am training who will. You came first killer--Crush it!
Your doing awesome
Franz, thank you! It was pretty exciting for me. :)
Adam, you truly rock.
I of course do remember you saying so.... and I will certainly go for it. =D
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