May 27, 2009

Caution - A Hazard of Kettlebell Training

If you practice hardstyle kettlebell training, you may undergo sudden, unexpected fatloss. If this should occur, you may experience simultaneous loosening of your training shorts or pants. Please be advised that when your pants start hanging off your hips, butt and thighs, performing a tight backswing (as with kettlebell swings or snatches) becomes a challenge, as the area of your pants formerly occupied by a sagging rear-end now hangs right in the path of the hiked kettlebell. If and when this should occur, you must attempt to tug the pants up and cinch or roll the waistband tighter. If the problem persists, you may need run inside and change into a smaller pair of training pants before resuming your kettlebell session.


Faizal S. Enu said...

I have split pants because of this...

Sandy Sommer, RKC said...

This can be a problem. I can't wear my ghetto shorts and do swings for sure.

fawn said...

OMG! LOL... good one Nikki!